Welcome. This blog is written partly for my own pleasure, but mostly to stop the endless nagging from family and (a rare occurrence) friends to write down all the ridiculous things that happen to me on a seemingly daily basis. I have the tendency to fall off of treadmills, to lock myself out of my car and then out of my apartment, and to break an alarming number of martini glasses, wine glasses, and plates of food during busy serving shifts. More than one person has pointed out that it is a miracle I have survived without ever landing myself or anyone else in the hospital.
Mostly, these mishaps occur because I am enjoying myself to the point of being absolutely oblivious to the world around me. Wrapped in an idiotropic (don't worry, even spellcheck doesn't believe this is a word; look it up, figure it out from context, or conclude that I am an idiot and stop reading immediately, but never accuse me of making up words) daze I forget that things like gravity exist. I spill, I drop, I run into, I trip, and I am often lost. I am, however, happy. Or, at the very least, on my way to happiness.
I have just moved back to the city of my dreams, Los Angeles, to nobody's surprise. Sunshine agrees with me. This city, for me, is covered with a halcyonic glow that is immutable; I can't help but smile.
And so, newly revived by my beloved sunshine, smog, and dry heat, I have decided to go on a personal quest for ataraxia, or absolute calm and tranquility. My peace exists, however, only within the gelogenic anecdotes that define my life. By recording these happenings here, I hope to find the convergence between my inherent ditziness and poise. Or, at the very least, to find the poise inherent within my self.
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